"Web Site Est. Jan 2001"

Lewis Palmer Reunion
for years 1965-1972
But this site will be maintained as long as there is still interest.

9/11/01 - "Our prayers are with our country as it responds to horrable losses due to terrorism and seeks justice" We should all get out there and lend a hand somewhere!

Come in and view Dan & Sally Strohls Reunion Pictures!

Small(low resolution - suggested for slower modem speeds

Large(high resolution)


THE VIDEO IS OUT NOW! See Howard's Message on the Message Board August 1, 2001

November 3, 2000

The Gathering of Old Rangers: a flower power reunion

Guess what! You are invited to a reunion of LP graduates from the years of 1965-1972. How long has it been? That’s right, a 30-something year reunion is going to happen next summer. We are planning on having the gathering on June 23 –24, 2001 in the Monument/Palmer Lake/Woodmoor area (I’ll refrain from calling it the tri-lakes area, as we never knew it as that back then! We just knew of the area as the towns around Elephant Rock….).

Elephant Rock

So far, we are planning to have a dinner/dance (60s-70s music) at Woodmoor Country Club on June 23 and a picnic in Palmer Lake on June 24. The cost for the scrumptious buffet and dance is $50, and this may be paid anytime prior to the dinner. Program Director, Randy Crewse (1970), has plans for an evening of fun activities!

I am also writing today to ask for your help in rounding up those old Rangers, as well as to fill out the attached questionnaire for our roundup directory. It would be wonderful to have a volunteer from each class to take on the task of trying to notify former classmates and teachers. Please contact Howard and we can begin that process.

Please send Howard at least your email address and correct mailing addresses so he can update the database. This can be done by filling out the questionnaire at the bottom of the page. Thanks.

Well, that’s it for now. Put the date on your calendars! It is exciting to think about seeing folks that we haven’t seen for up to 30 years. Looking forward to a great reunion

Gathering of Old Rangers 2001

Howard Cloud (1968) hhcloud@hotmail.com
6561 Cliffbrook Dr.
Dallas, TX 75240

The initial, and hopefully to grow, committee for the Gathering of Old Rangers:
Howard Cloud (1968)
Randy Crewse (1970)
Don/Darlene Clifford (1970)
Gary Reese (1970)
Sue Nevins Majors (1965)
Karen Albro Moore (1969)
Paul Meydrech (1972)
Sally Williams Achenbach (1967)

"Click Here for PICTURE PAGE"

HELP build this up with Your Photos, instructions inside!

Please Give Us Some Updated News about Yourself to be shared on the Messages Board (and at the Reunion Too)

Important: Use Tab not (Return/Enter) to go to the next field. (Return/Enter) will send the form in.
(Return/Enter) is ok in the comment area at the bottom only. If you hit (Return/Enter) by mistake, use the back feature on your browser to return to your partially completed form.


Where do you live:

Year you Graduated:


Spouse's Name if Applicable:

Spouse's Occupation if Applicable:

Names/ages of children/grandchildren:

Most Memorable event during High School:

Most Memorable event since High School:

E-Mail Address:

Mailing Address:

Phone Number/s:

May we put all but the address/phone/E-mail
info on our Message Board?
yes no yes with directions below

Other Comments:

Please allow time to process your messages left using the above form! Thanks
Please note: If multiple messages are received in one day, only the last one will be processed!

"Click here to See Lewis Palmer's Current Website"

"Click here to Contact Webmaster-Paul Meydrech"
(a Private Message)